Rejection is not easy. I don't give two hat full's of you-know-what about what anybody says to the contrary. Employment rejection is hard enough. When some inane, insipid, incompetent, no-nothing Human Resources moron, who knows nothing about the position for which you are applying, trashes your résumé and cover letter; or (worse yet), when HR, in their infinite laziness, trash your résumé or CV, and letter because it doesn't have the proper buzz words to correspond to the algorithm they've set up against which they scan it. To these conscienceless, over paid, do nothing, hacks it's not personal. Of course it isn't personal — to them. How can a cold-blooded, mindless automaton think otherwise? Notwithstanding, when you are the person on the other end, it can't be anything other than personal. How can it not be? By simple virtue of the idea that it "it's nothing personal" makes it so.