Sunday, 26 May 2013

Trinity Sunday at Church of the Advent, Boston

I say, when it comes to feast days in the Christian Year, Church of the Advent does it right.  We went to high mass there today in celebration of Trinity Sunday and it was glorious.  Starting with a very stylish yet, imaginative, rendering of J. S. Bach's of Allein Gott din der Höh sei Ehr, BWV 664 (I think it was Ross Wood playing) and the opening hymn Nicea, (Trinity Sunday without Nicea would be like Christmas without Adeste Fidelis).
The Ordinary was the Missa Deus omnipotens  by 16th Century Franco-Flemish polyphonic composer Thomas Crécquillon, who was previously unknown to me, and was an exquisite surprise.  The Communion motet was With all our hearts and mouths by Tallis.  Going into detail is unnecessary here.  All you need to know is that when the liturgy, with all the "smells & bells" as they say, is done with the seamlessness the Church of the Advent, with glorious 16th Century polyphony and plainsong  perfectly sung, and marvellous organ playing, THAT is what worship is all about.  It's not entertainment, it's not just happy clappy jumping up and down senseless emotional release, it's worship.  It's communing with one's god to make yourself a better, deeper, more enlightened person.  
Oh, by the way, the mass ended with a solemn plainchant Te Deum with a few change ringing handbells and incense.  The postlude, as a result, was Duruflé's reconstruction of Tournemire's Improvisation sur le Te Deum  played by Dr. Dwyer himself.  Perfect. 

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